
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Baby #3 Is A....

We are nearing the end of my pregnancy and I realized I never posted about the gender of this sweet baby!!!

During the ultrasound to find out the gender, the baby was being so shy. It took a little while to find out and there was a moment that I was worrying we wouldn't be able to find out that day.
We had planned a gender reveal party for that night so I was really hoping we wouldn't have to cancel.

After what seemed like an eternity, our OB looked at us and said "Are you ready?" We said YES! Cameron pulled out his phone to take a video, and our OB announced "It's a girl!" A GIRL! A GIRL! A GIRL!!!


I have a great grandmother named Genevieve and I've always loved that name.
We decided that if this baby is a girl, we will name her Genevieve after my great grandmother.

It has been so fun and so surreal having cute little girl stuff start coming into the house!
I saw a quote on Pinterest that said "In a field of roses, she is a wild flower."
I want Genevieve's room to be floral to help inspire her to learn from the flowers.
Flowers teach us to still blossom despite how others are growing around us. They teach us that we need both compliments and criticism to grow because they need sunshine and rain to grow. All flowers are different from each other, and each are beautiful in their own way.

I had my baby shower last weekend and it was so fun! We had a flower making station, and the flowers are going to go onto her wall above her bed. 
We got some super cute stuff for Genevieve. She is already so loved by so many! 

I am 2 days away from being 33 weeks. I just have to make it 4 more weeks and then I'll be full term and she can come anytime.

My great grandmother Genevieve was born on Nov. 13th, so I'm actually very curious if our little Genevieve will make her arrival around then.  

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