Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Adding More Love To Our Family

Surprise! We are expecting another little bundle of joy!!
When Cameron came home from deployment in February 2019 we decided we'd try to see if we could have one more baby before he gets out of the Navy in March 2020.
On March 16th I made us breakfast burritos and hot sauce sounded really good to put on it. When I ate it with the hot sauce, it tasted REALLY good. And I know from past pregnancies that things only taste THAT good when you're pregnant!
I looked over at Cameron and said "I think I'm pregnant."
His eyes opened wide, and was surprised to hear that I could possibly be pregnant already after only a month of trying.

The next day on St. Patrick's Day, I was still 3 days away from starting my cycle, but I was so anxious to know, so I pulled out a pregnancy test. I took it and 2 faint pink lines started showing up. Because it was kind of hard to see, I pulled out a different test and also took it, and it showed up with a big blue plus sign. About a minute had passed by since taking the first test, and by then the 2 pink lines were very clear to see. We were pregnant! 

I calculated that we were due around November 23rd. which would put Walker and this new baby 18 months apart.

The first ultrasound went very well and found out there's only 1 baby in there. With twins running in my family, the first ultrasound is always nerve wracking. 

My mind was put to ease when we saw one healthy baby, and there was a heartbeat.

Nausea soon started and luckily it wasn't as bad as it was with Walker and our miscarriage pregnancy. Nausea is never fun to deal with, but it was manageable, and we were able to go visit family without me getting too sick. Except for the random time that I took one bite of a fish taco and threw up before I could even swallow it haha 

Everything has gone very well this pregnancy, and I've been feeling small jabs here and there. We are now at the end of the first trimester and have a date of June 24th to find out the gender! I've been saying from the very beginning that I think this one is a girl, so we'll see if I'm right.
Plus, Cameron's dad always correctly guesses the gender and weight of each grandchild. He has already said that this one will be a girl and she'll be 9lbs 3 oz. We'll see if it comes true!

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