
Monday, October 31, 2016

Miscarriage Update

At our 2 week check-up, my Dr notcied there was still some embryonic stuff still in my uterus. He suggested a D&C, and I instantly panicked. The thought of having to do a D&C terrifies me. So he told me he was going to give me one more week to try and pass everything on my own. He also did a blood test that day, and said that my HCG levels were still high for someone who just miscarried.
I was already coping with the loss, but it just felt like it was dragging on. I wanted to move past this and start trying to get pregnant again. And as if that wasn't all enough, my Dr also found a cyst. He wasn't really concerned with it, but it was my first (as far as I knew), so it worried me. 
We went in the following week and we have finally passed all the embryonic stuff, which was a huge relief, but the cyst had nearly doubled in size. My Dr went ahead and gave us the ok to start tryiing to get pregnant again, but he was now concerned with the cyst. He wanted to give my body a chance to get rid of it on its own, so he wanted to see me back in 2 weeks. If the cyst measures 10 cm or more, then they will perform surgery to remove it. 
I am terrified, but I actually have peace in my heart, because I know that Heavenly Father is watching over us. This has been a rough month for our family, but it is making us stronger. And I'm so grateful that Cameron is a worthy priesthood holder. I asked him to give me a blessing after our last appointment. 
As I said in my last blog post, Waylon has made this process much easier on us. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad every time I see my friend's pregnancy progress on Facebook and Instagram. But I know that we'll get pregnant again, and be able to bring another sweet baby into our family.

Nov. 1st: We had our check-up and the cyst hadn't really grown, so they are just going to leave it, and let us try and get pregnant. It will either go away on it's own in 6-8 weeks, go away once we get pregnant, it could rupture, or if it's still there when we go to deliver the next baby, it will go away with delivery. So hopefully it will go away, and we are free to move forward  and try to get pregnant! Yay!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

We had a miscarriage, and it's ok..

After struggling for a year to get pregnant with Waylon, we decided to get an early start with baby #2. So March 2016 we started trying, and as of July 6th 2016, I was pregnant!
We were so thrilled that it happened quickly this time and that our kids would be close in age.
We went in for an ultrasound at 7 weeks and 5 days, and we got to hear the heartbeat and see little twitches and movements from our sweet baby. They found some fluid outside of the sac, and based on the look of the ultrasound tech, it wasn't good. But she said to expect some spotting and not to worry, but she did want to see us back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. I did have some very, very light spotting a couple days later, but it was to be expected. We found out the next week that we would be moving to Washington the week of the ultrasound. So I was a little nervous but there was nothing I could do about it.
Once we got to Washington, I made an appointment as soon as I could to do an ultrasound and make sure the fluid was gone, and that our baby was ok.
On Wednesday Sept 21st, 2016 we had the ultrasound. They tried to do the ultrasound from the outside, and I noticed that it was rather hard to see a baby, and the tech said that she was having a hard time getting a heartbeat. So they did a vaginal ultrasound and I saw that my uterus had grown like there was a 12 week baby in there, but there was only a petite 8 week baby with no heartbeat, and no movement. We were absolutely heartbroken. And there were all kinds of emotions that we were feeling. The ultrasound tech was so nice and so comforting. She told us that we didn't do anything to cause this, and not to get caught up in the negative thoughts. We took comfort in knowing that we are sealed to that sweet baby forever and we will meet again someday. And already having Waylon definitely made it easier to cope with this loss. Because we lost the baby early on, we didn't have to have a D&C as long as I passed everything.
We've had an outpouring of love and support from friends and family. I've had many friends reach out to me to offer support and advice to keep from getting depressed. And my sister and her husband sent us some beautiful flowers. And we can't thank everyone enough for that.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Waylon is 1!!!

I can't believe our sweet baby boy is one!!!
This year has flown by so fast and I have loved every minute of being his mommy! He was such a good baby from the beginning. He only fussed when he needed a diaper change, or when he was hungry. He slept very well at night, and he was so easy to please. It's been such an amazing experience watching him grow and learn.
 He got to have a Cars themed birthday party this year because he absolutely loves that movie! He even has a Cars chair that we took all his monthly pictures in, and my dad got him light up Lightning McQueen shoes! 
His best friend is Jaylee, a cute little girl that we call his girlfriend. He loved spending time with her and all the other kids his age.
Happy birthday to our sweet Waylon!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It's the little things..

It's not very often that we get to do Family Home Evening together. And when we do, it's sometimes a last minute thought. We are trying to get better about setting aside time together as a family each day and that gets hard with Cameron's schedule, but I have a hard time remembering to do it, even if it's just Waylon and I. 
But tonight, after Waylon's bath, Cameron suggested we read Waylon a bedtime story, so we gathered in Waylon's room and Cameron found short stories on the Gospel Library app. As Cameron was reading I teared up a little at the beautiful view I had. My heart was full looking at my beautiful family. It was so nice to take the time away from media and away from the world to invite the spirit into our home.
I am so blessed to have Cameron and Waylon. They bring me so much joy! It's these small moments that help me to see the bigger picture and make me realize that they truly are all I need. When I'm having a rough day, I look at my beautiful family and the world disappears. Heavenly Father truly knows us and what we need, and tonight my cup is very full.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Waylon - 6 Months old

Wow, I can't believe how fast 6 months has come and gone. Our little moose is half way to a year! It feels like it was just last week that we were bringing him home from the hospital.
He is so much fun right now, and it's fascinating to see him learning and growing. Since he was 2 weeks old he's been able to hold his head up, which was a big sign to us that he would be quick learner. 
He can roll over and turn in a circle to get what he wants. He is now able to sit up on his own which my back is very grateful for, and it has made grocery trips much easier. He said his first word 5 days ago, which was mom!! Now along with his baby babble he says mom and momma, and it melts my heart every time. We try to get him to say dada but he just smiles when you say it.
It's so fun to see his personality showing more and more each day. I feel like I get a small glimpse into the kind of person he will grow up to be. He is so strong! He has some of the strongest legs I have seen a baby his age have. We have an excersaucer that he absolutely loves to bounce in. He absolutely loves mom & dad, and he smiles at everyone he meets.

He has a tooth coming in! It's coming through his gums, but it hasn't quite cut through yet. And he has RED HAIR!? I never EVER thought I would have a child with red hair, and to our surprise, Waylon has red hair. Cameron's grandmother has a mom and 3 sisters with red hair, so that's where he got it from, but no one else in our family has red hair. It's pretty red so it's 50/50 whether it'll stay that way or get darker as he gets older. But it shocked Cameron and I both! haha
He loves when Cameron comes home! I'll be feeding him and he can hear anyone's voice and he won't budge, but as soon as he hears Cameron, he instantly looks around for him. He is definitely a momma's boy, but he sure does love his daddy!
He's also interacting with Daisy more. She gives him her toy and they'll play a little tug-o-war. She is so gentle with him, even when he grabs and pulls her beard haha 
He loves watching Cars and Toy Story, and football on Sundays.
He weighs 18 lbs., and is 27.5 inches long