
Sunday, September 28, 2014

A School Graduation

On September 19, 2014, my husband graduated A school, and because he had the 3rd highest GPA in his class, he graduated with Distinction.
I'm so proud of him for getting through the first part of his schooling! Even though it's nice that he doesn't get to bring his homework home, he still has to make sure he gets it done in the time that he is given, along with studying. There were weekends that he would have to go in for 2-3 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.
His schedule for A school was Mon-Fri, he would leave between 5:45-6, and he wouldn't get home until 6 pm, then be in bed by 9. Sometimes he wouldn't get home until 8. Plus studying on the weekends. Most Fridays he would get off early, which we looked forward to every week. 

I also had to have a schedule while he was in A School. Mondays I needed to have laundry done so he would have his PT (Physical Training) clothes ready for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; eventually it was just on Wednesdays. Then Thursday nights we had to get his dress white uniform ready for Friday. Every 2 weeks we had to cut his hair to make sure it was within standards. I made breakfast and lunch for him everyday so he wouldn't have to get up as early, and every night I made sure dinner was ready when he got home so we would have more time to spend together.

I'm very excited for him to be done with A school! He will be starting Power School in November, and until then he will be on T-Track, which is basically doing work on base, like Watch( making sure people who go in to study are students and not civilians), cleaning, etc. 

I've heard from the other wives that Power School will require Cameron to be gone more, and his schooling will be more intense and more in depth, so I'm going to do what I can to help lighten his load so he doesn't stress out. He's so excited to learn more in Power School and to continue his education in the Nuclear field, and I love seeing how excited he gets about it.

I'm so proud of my honey! :)

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