
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Run like the Wind!

Tonight I went for a jog and I was able to run longer than I have ever run before and it felt FANTASTIC! I was so proud of myself! It felt great to have that much endurance and to push myself a little more. I wore a different pair of tennis shoes than I normally do. They're just simple sketchers ones but they aren't as bulky and they are really light weight, which I think helped tremendously! Thursday will be a week and I'm already down a pound! It is REALLY hard to eat healthy snacks throughout the day at work but I try to stick to fruits, but I had the last today so I gotta figure something else out. I also did some crunches and leg exercises with weights about 30 minutes before I ran too. I just felt like I had to do more, like I owed it to myself since I'm trying so hard. My brother gave me an idea to use in my protein shakes cause my vanilla flavor gets old after a while. SUGAR FREE JELLO PUDDING MIX!! BRILLIANT! So I have chocolate in my mix for tomorrow and I will let ya'll know how that goes! Til next time! :)


  1. I really like the Nike Free running shoes - they're flexible and super light. There's also a running store in Chandler that watches you run and then recommends shoes that are better for your pronation. I really liked them. And good for you for getting out there - especially when it's still so stinkin' hot :)

  2. BY the way - this is Stacey Morgan LOL!!!!

  3. Awesome! Thanks! I'll have to go check it out! haha At first I was like who is this random person haha No worries! Thanks!
