No social media at all for 10 days?? Why??
Well, I'll tell you why..
Twice a year I participate in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints General Conference. It's a 2 day event in April and October. We get to hear from our Prophet and Apostles, as well as other general authorities.
In April there is a General Priesthood Session Saturday evening for all the Priesthood holders in our church to attend. And in October there is a General Women's Session Saturday evening for all the women.
Yesterday, on October 6th we had our General Women's Session. Great talks we given, and our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson spoke to us and challenged us to do 4 things.
1. Read and study the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ, before the end of the year.
2. Refrain from social media for 10 days and make note of how you feel and what your thoughts are.
3. Attend the Temple as often as possible.
4. Read, ponder and study the Relief Society Statement of Purpose.
After the Women's session I immediately went to Facebook and wrote that I was accepting the challenge and turned off all notifications for Facebook and Instagram.
Day 1:
Out of habit I've wanted to open my phone and click on to Facebook to see what's going on in the world. But instead I moved the apps to another screen on my phone so they wouldn't be as much of a temptation, which has helped tremendously.
One thing I looked forward to was being more focused on my family. What's happening now. I felt that I was able to be more tuned in to my family and not bothered by little interruptions.
I also noticed that as I checked my phone throughout the day to check for notifications, I almost felt a disappointment that I had none. That I wasn't wanted or needed. But then I looked around, and right here with my husband and 2 sons is where I am needed.
I also felt that as much as I love staying in touch with others through Facebook and Instagram, as no one reached out to me today, I realized that constantly knowing what's going on in everyone's lives isn't detrimental to my life, and growth.
I know as the days pass, I will not have as strong an urge to constantly be wondering what's going on with everyone else. I'm also looking forward to filling more time with pondering the scriptures, progressing and focusing on my family.
Day 2:
Today I feel like my mind is clear. I had much more enthusiasm to take on today's task.
This morning a friend came over to work on a project with me and it was great to be able to stay engaged with her and not worry about what anyone was posting about on Facebook. And having her over was a great distraction from wanting to check my phone for the latest gossip.
Afterwards I got a surprise text from another great friend just to simply say she was thinking of me. This friend didn't know that I was currently in this challenge because she deleted her social media a couple weeks ago. Now, I'm not saying I need all my friends to always reach out to me all the time, but it was so nice to know that she thought of me and acted on that prompting to tell me. We then had a brief conversation about what we are up to and it was great!
Next I sat and played with my 3 year old while our 4 month old slept. Not saying that I never play with my child, but again, I didn't have the worry or the urgency to check what my friends kids were doing or compare my son to other kids. My son was being himself and was so perfect in my eyes.
I found myself wanting to fill my time with other things so that I wouldn't want to check my phone.
Day 7:
You know what's been nice? Not having to see a bunch of negative comments all the time.
I have don't have to see the corrupt and biased opinions of media influencers. I don't have to see anything vulgar that certain Facebook friends have been known to share.
I feel myself being more positive. I don't feel the need to constantly compare discipline techniques, or how my child's development compares to another.
We only see a moment of each other's lives on social media. We would have much different views if we spent an entire day with each other.
I think social media can be used be for good, and that's the change I will make after these 10 days. I'm going to filter out the unnecessary, and limit how often I'm on social media.
I'm reminded of my favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 2:27
"27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
We are given free agency. We are free to choose happiness and love. I don't have to allow myself to see such filth and negativity on social media. I can put down my phone and not care about what everyone else is doing and saying.
I don't have to be bombarded with thousands of differing opinions.
Instead of scouring Facebook for updates on friends, I can call or text them and ask how they're doing without the entire world knowing our conversation.
Day 10:
Through this fast I have seen what truly matters and what is most important. And not caring so much about what is on social media. I also see that more positivity and spreading the gospel is needed.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this media fast. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated because of it.
I'm so grateful to have a living Prophet on the earth today that was inspired and gave this challenge.
If you feel encouraged to take this challenge, then do it! You won't regret it!