FINALLY!! We are in the 3rd Trimester! I remember when I hit 28 weeks with Waylon, your body just feels different. It hurts more, you ache, you take longer to get around and exerting energy takes a lot out of you.
Well, this pregnancy wasn't any different. As soon as I hit 28 weeks, BAM, my body had more aches and pains. Except these pains also came with chasing a toddler around. So I hardly have time to nurse my pains. During my pregnancies I experience what they call lightning crotch. If you don't know what that is, it's exactly how it sounds; sharp zapping pain in the ho-ha. And this time around I'm getting it more frequently and it stops me in my tracks. And then Waylon comes up to me asking me if I'm ok and gives me a hug, which does make it better :)
On top of all these aches, pains and contractions, I decided it would be a great time to potty train Waylon haha Yep. I tried to prep him as best I could one week, knowing the next week I had wide open with no plans but to stay home and potty train. The Friday before I took Waylon to the store to pick out some fun undies. And of course he picked out the pack that had Toy Story and Cars. I also picked up some kids Culturelle and Pedialyte to encourage pooping :)
I started out having him run around butt naked and that was working, but then he wasn't pooping. After 3 days of naked butt it was time to wear underwear, which he wasn't too excited about, but he knew he couldn't go outside without them haha
The first day in undies he had quite a few accidents and I needed him to poop. So I took him to the store and let him pick out a toy. He chose a Lightning McQueen car, so when we got home, I told him he couldn't have it until he pooped on the potty. The next day, he pooped! On the potty! And he got his car and he was SO excited! And that was it, he was potty trained! We of course still have a few accidents, but he can now take himself to go potty at home and he's getting much better about telling me when he needs to go. And now we will only have 1 kid in diapers when Walker gets here! *victory dance!*
I am now 31 weeks and it seems like the weeks are flying by! We will have our sweet little Walker here before we know it!