I've got to admit, as excited as I was to finally be pregnant, I was also terrified. It seemed like May 17th would never get here. It felt like the first trimester was never going to end. And as much as I try not to stress, I will admit, I was a little stressed. Which I know is all normal to feel after having a miscarriage, but I was trying to not let those those get to me too much.
My husband was so comforting and supportive during this time. He kept assuring me that this is a completely new pregnancy, and that everything would be fine.
I urged my OB to give me an ultrasound at 7 weeks to calm some of my nerves. And that's exactly what happened. The baby had a beautiful heartbeat, and was measuring perfectly on time.
I was able to continue on the first trimester and had a date scheduled for another ultrasound in 5 weeks.
I was very nauseous and threw up a few times, but I was prepared this time. I had my nausea medication ready to go! I felt like this pregnancy I've been more tired than my last 2 pregnancy's. When I was getting tired of the nauseous feeling, Cameron would tell me "The more sick you are, the cuter the baby" and that helped me get through it. Knowing that I was enduring this to bring a cute little baby into our family is absolutely worth it.
At last, week 12.5 came and we had another ultrasound. This one I was a little nervous for because that's exactly how far along I was last time when we found out we lost the baby. But I was pretty sure I was already feeling some movement from the baby, so I was pretty sure everything was going to be just fine. My OB was so sweet and as soon as she started the ultrasound she was admiring our beautiful baby and all the features. The baby was not only very healthy, but measuring a full week ahead! We've felt that this baby will be a boy, and the heartbeat was 150, same as Waylon, and typically the range boys' heartbeats are in. We would love to have a boy or girl, we truly just want a healthy baby, and so far the baby is perfectly healthy!
I am now 14 weeks and the nausea is finally subsiding and my belly is bigger every day. It's really true, you start showing sooner with each baby. People have noticed my bump since week 11 haha
With Waylon, nobody could tell I was pregnant until I was about 16-17 weeks.
We already have a date set to find out the gender, which is Dec. 11th! I'm so excited, I can't wait to finally have a name to call this sweet baby. The kicks are getting stronger and more frequent. I love feeling the kicks, they are so reassuring and so fun to feel.