Well, this trimester has been the most exciting and the hardest!
At the beginning I started to get the hip pain and a little heartburn, nothing too difficult. Then I hit 30 weeks and BAM! My left hip felt like it was out of place. Any time I took a step on my left leg, my hip would be in so much pain. I had a pretty sweet pregnant gangster lean and wobble for a few weeks. The pool on base finally opened up so I spent most of my days there. It really helped to take the weight off my hip and still get a workout in.
I think Waylon shifted sides or moved around, but one morning I woke up and the pain was gone! It was amazing! By that time I was 36 weeks and starting my weekly appointments.
I was going every Wednesday so I was 36.5 weeks when they started checking me for dilation. I was 30% effaced and dilated a finger tip. I was so excited to hear that I was effaced and dilated somewhat, cause I knew our little Waylon was on his way!
The next week (37.5 weeks) I was still 30% effaced and dilated to 1. I was a little discouraged to hear that I hadn't made much progress, especially since I was so sure he was going to come early. That Saturday we had some friends over for the 4th of July, and one of my friends was due just 3 days after me, so we got to talking about her progress and she was already 80% effaced and dilated to 1. I'll be honest, I was completely jealous and was wondering why my body wasn't progressing like hers. But I quickly put it behind me and focused on other things. 3 days later, that same friend had her baby. Yep, I cried. But, Cameron was so sweet and reminded me that we still had 2.5 weeks until our due date, and I felt much better.
At 38.5 weeks we went in for our check-up and I was only dilated to a 2 and I needed to be at a 2.5 for them to strip my membranes. The next day, I started having contractions that were 10 min apart but they wouldn't get any closer than that, and they had to be 5-7 min apart for the hospital to admit us. So I went to my doctor the next day and they stripped my membranes, and my contractions pretty much came to a screeching halt.
I remember my doctor telling me that they wouldn't let me go past 41 weeks, but I was so sure we wouldn't even get close to that, especially with how big Waylon was. So at my 39.5 week appointment I tried to schedule an induction date for July 25th, my due date, but they shut that down real quick. They wanted to avoid having to induce me at any cost, which is understandable. They said I was dilated to a 3 and 70% effaced, and they stripped my membranes again, and my doctor actually suggested using a breast pump a couple times a day for 15-20 min to help get labor going, and she said that we should have our baby boy here before the end of the week.
So I diligently started using the breast pump. Between Thursday and Friday I lost my mucus plug and I was so sure Waylon was going to make his arrival soon. Saturday morning came and still no Waylon. We found out that our neighbor across the street, who was due 4 days after me, had their baby that morning. And again, I cried. I couldn't understand why Waylon was not here already. My Doctors told me at every appointment that my body was ready for delivery, so I couldn't understand what was happening.
I was slightly stressed out that we hadn't had Waylon yet because Cameron was scheduled to class-up for Prototype on Monday and he would have to work 12 hour days, and it would be a little difficult to get ahold of him if something were to happen.
Sunday morning, Cameron and I went to church, and I'm so grateful that we did, because the talks that were given led to motherhood somehow and it reawakened my drive, and to focus on the positive and not the negative. Yes I'm in pain, yes Waylon is past his due date, and 4 of my other friends that were due after me already had their babies. But, Waylon is healthy, and in a very short amount of time, he will be here. And I thought about one of my friends who had her baby 9 weeks early. She had posted that it was so bittersweet to have her baby so early because she loves that her baby is here and his health is progressing really well, but she never had her baby shower, she never got to take maternity pictures and doesn't have many pregnancy pictures, and she doesn't get to take her baby home yet and he's 2 weeks old. It was like eating a big fat piece of humble pie when I read that post, and I've had a much better attitude since then.
Today we had a HUGE blessing! Cameron found out this morning that he is not classing up and will be on pre-fill for another 2 months, and he will be a Duty Driver again, which means he will only work 5 hours a day and he can have his phone on him and I can easily get a hold of him. We are now 2 days past our due date, and I think he will be another 2 days late because Cameron's dad's birthday is July 29th, and he said from the very beginning that this baby would be born on his birthday, and now I'm starting to think he's right haha.
I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow and I'm hoping they will schedule an induction date. I really hope Waylon decides to come before then, but either way, we should have our little man here by the end of the week :)